Monday, April 13, 2009


This is truly amazing and wonderful to watch!


Friday, April 10, 2009

t.w.i.s.t. - initial thoughts

i want (and frankly, sometimes need) to have a place where i can write and share thoughts and get them out of my head or off my shoulders. i don't want this to be co-mingled with my family blog - where stories are more about family life and things about the kids, more or less.

recently i have wanted to share some things that might just not belong on my other blog... but now that i have this one created, i can't think of anything to write tonight!

stay tuned. certainly, some thoughts, ideas, stories and opinions will be flowing soon... you may not agree with them, you may not like them, and then again, you might! i may ask questions so that readers can give answers or advice, or opinions. we'll see what this turns in to - but i'm looking for an outlet for all those thoughts, etc. that are in my head. :)